- (with Marco Carfagnini and David Herzog )
A functional Law of the Iterated Logarithm for weakly hypoelliptic diffusions at time zero system pdf - (with David Herzog and Nathan Glatt-Holtz)
Sensitivity of steady states in a degenerately-damped stochastic Lorenz system pdf - (with Alberto Saldaña and Tobias Weth)
Symmetry properties of sign-changing solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations in unbounded domains pdf - (with Jean Baptiste Casteras)
Existence of traveling waves for a fourth order Schrodinger equation with mixed dispersion in the Helmholtz regime pdf - (with Mouhamadou Sy)
Invariant measures and global well posedness for SQG equation pdf - (with Jean-Baptiste Casteras)
Singular radial solutions for the Lin-Ni-Takagi equation pdf - (with Denis Bonheure and Jean-Baptiste Casteras)
Singular radial solutions for the Keller-Segel equation in high dimension pdf - (with Tuoc Phan)
On higher integrability estimates for elliptic equations with singular coefficients pdf - (with Denis Bonheure and Francesca Colasuonno)
On the Born-Infeld equation for electrostatic fields with a superposition of point charges pdf - (with Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Geordie Richards, Jared P. Whitehead)
Hydrodynamic stability in presence of a stochastic forcing: a case study in convection pdf - (with Denis Bonheure, Ederson Moreira dos Santos, Hugo Tavares, Alberto Saldaña)
Paths to Uniqueness of Critical Points and Application to Partial Differential Equations, accepted to TAMS pdf - (with Susan Friedlander, Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Geordie Richards)
Asymptotic Analysis for Randomly Forced MHD, accepted to SIMA pdf - (with Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Geordie Richards, Jared P. Whitehead)
Ergodicity in Randomly Forced Rayleigh-Bénard Convection, Nonlinearity 29 (2016), no 11, 3309-3345 pdf - (with Denis Bonheure, Alberto Saldaña)
Qualitative properties of solutions to mixed-diffusion bistable equations, Calc. Var. and Par. Diff. Eq. 55 (2016) no. 3 pdf - (with Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Geordie Richards)
Large Prandtl number asymptotics in randomly forced turbulent convection, preprint pdf - (with Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Geordie Richards, Enrique Thomann)
Ergodic and Mixing Properties of The Boussinesq Equations with a Degenerate Random Forcing, J. Functional Analysis, 269 (2015), no. 8, 2427-2504 pdf - (with Peter Poláčik)
Equilibria with a nontrial nodal set and the dynamics of parabolic equations on symmetric domains, J. of Differential Equations 258 (2015), pp. 1859-1888 pdf - On Serrin's symmetry result in nonsmooth domains and its applications, Adv. Differential Equations 18 (2013), no. 5-6, 523-548, pdf
- (with Peter Poláčik)
On asymptotically symmetric parabolic equations, Netw. Heterog. Media 7 (2012), no. 4, 673-689, pdf - Counter-example for Liouville theorems for indefinite problems on half spaces, Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. (N.S.) 81 (2012), no. 1, 105-116 pdf
- (with Joseph Crivelli, Peter Kim, Joanna Wares)
A mathematical model for cell cycle-specific cancer virotherapy, J. Biol. Dyn. 6 (2012), Suppl. 1, 104-120 pdf - Liouville theorems, a priori estimates, and blow-up rates for solutions of indefinite superlinear parabolic problems, Czechoslovak Math. J. 61(136) (2011), no. 1, 169-198 pdf
- Symmetry of positive solutions of asymptotically symmetric parabolic problems on R^N, J. Dynam. Differential Equations 23 (2011), no. 1, 45-69 pdf
- (with Peter Poláčik)
Convergence to a steady state for asymptotically autonomous semilinear heat equation on R^N, J. Differential Equations 251 (2011), no. 7, 1903-1922 pdf - On symmetry properties of parabolic equations in bounded domains, J. Differential Equations 250 (2011), no. 12, 4236-4261 pdf
- (with Peter Poláčik)
On cooperative parabolic systems: Harnack inequalities and asymptotic symmetry, Disc. Cont. Dynamical Systems 25 (2009), no. 1, 133-157 pdf