Leonardo's Writing

Leonardo da Vinci's Original Manuscripts

Manuscripts A-M
(Paris, Bibliotheque de l’Institut de France)

1.  Manuscript A (Ms. 2172 and Ms. 2185), datable c. 1490-92.

 2.  Manuscript B (Ms. 2173 and Ms. 2184), datable c. 1485-87.

 3.  Manuscript C (Ms. 2174), datable c. 1490-91.

 4.  Manuscript D (Ms. 2175), datable c. 1508-09.

 5.  Manuscript E (Ms. 2176), datable c. 1513-14.

 6.  Manuscript F (Ms. 2177), datable c. 1508-09.

 7.  Manuscript G (Ms. 2178), datable c. 1510-15.

 8.  Manuscript H (Ms. 2179), datable c. 1493-94.

 9.  Manuscript I (Ms. 2180), dated 1497.

10.  Manuscript K (Ms. 2181), datable c. 1503-07.

11.  Manuscript L (Ms. 2182), datable c. 1497-1502.

12.  Manuscript M (Ms. 2183), datable c. 1495-97.

Critical editions and translations

Les manuscrits da Léonard de Vinci de la Bibliothèque de L’Institut, edited by Charles Ravaisson-Mollien, 6 vols. Paris, 1881–91.

Manuscrit A B, C, D de L’Institut de France, edited by Nando de Toni, translated into French by André Corbeau & Francis Authier, 4 vols. Grenoble, 1960-1972.

Manoscritti de l’Institut de France: Mss. A – M, edited by Augusto Marinoni, 12 vols. Florence, 1986-90.

The manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci in the Institut de France:  Manuscript A- M, translated by John Venerella, 12 vols. Milan, 1999-2003.

Leonardo da Vinci, Codice C, edited by Manlio Brusatin & Vittorio Mandelli. Milan, 2006.

Edoardo Zanon. Il libro del codice del volo: dallo studio del volo degli uccelli alla macchina volante. The book of the codex on flight: from the study of bird flight to the flying machine. Milan, 2009.