The Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (KHI) - Max-Planck-Insitut will be our host institution in Florence and will provide an ideal setting for intellectual exchange. The KHI is a world-renowned institution devoted to the History of Art and Architecture in Italy and to its relation to European, Mediterranean, and global history. The KHI is also the privileged meeting place of scholars from around the globe, who either pursue individual projects or work on the many international collaborative projects hosted by the KHI. The KHI includes an active research center, which organizes innumerable scholarly events and fosters lively and interdisciplinary academic exchange, a rich library of about 300,000 volumes on the history of art, culture, and architecture, a unique photographic collection of about 600,000 images on Italian art, and superb facilities for meetings and research. About sixty scholars are usually at the KHI, while many more come and go on a daily basis. The KHI has an extensive collection of works related to Leonardo da Vinci, including facsimile editions of his writings, drawings, and notebooks. Conveniently located in the center of Florence and uniquely placed at the center of the intellectual life of the city, the KHI will be an ideal setting for the NEH Institute. Institute faculty will be given full access to the research facility at the KHI, will be invited to join its scholarly activities, and will have the opportunity to interact with research fellows at the KHI.