Themes and Essays

Music and Instruments


Leonardo’s inventing by sketching | Robert Friedel | Read >

Sonic mapping in Leonardo’s disegni | Michael Eisenberg | Read >

Bridges, maps and scaffolds


Leonardo’s mobile bridges | Leslie Geddes | Read >

Leonardo da Vinci and mapmaking | Constance Moffatt | Read >

Scaffolds and centerings: The representation of temporary architecture | Carolyn Yerkes | Read >

Anatomy, religion and humanism


On Bended Knee: The Anatomy of Devotion | Julia DeLancey | Read >

Leonardo da Vinci: Art, Anatomy, and Humanism | Anne Hudson-Jones | Read >

Leonardo’s ‘Great Lady’: Between Life, Death, and Resurrection | Kristina Keogh | Read >

Nature, animals and philosophy


Perfecting nature: Empiricism, geometry and the rhetoric of liveliness in Leonardo’s Studies of Brambles, c. 1505-10 | Kate Lusheck | Read >

Leonardo’s mountains | Peter Beal | Read >

Leonardo’s animals | Sarah Benson | Read >

Leonardo and the whale | Kay Etheridge | Read >

Leonardo’s transformations of nature | April Kiser | Read >

On the nature of Leonardo’s things: Lightning and “the sea monster” | Mary Sisler | Read >

Leonardo, Lucretius and the end of all things | Beth Ellen Stewart | Read >

Optics and art


Leonardo’s Virgin of the Annunciation | Jane Long | Read >

Leonardo’s Annunciation in perspective | Matthew Ancell | Read >

Leonardo's Battles of the Eye | Francesca Borgo | Read >

Leonardo's early grotesque head | John Garton | Read >

Leonardo and Pliny | Jonathan Kline | Read >

The Mystery of Leonardo’s Self-portraits | Benjamin Binstock | Read >

Leonardo and the interpretation of paintings | Tom DePasquale | Read >

Leonardo’s color in the early 20th century | Marie Frank | Read >



Sweet Gum | Angie Estes | Read >