Sweet Gum

Angie Estes


sputniks hail the autumn lawn                          while stars litter the sky               without a word, although birds still steer      by the pinups of the gods,                          constellations wearing nothing              but seams. The ideogram     sun seen in the trees                          becomes east, and we keep asterisks              in the margin of the page,     buttons on a coat we might open                          or close, as if my mother was wrong              when she said memories      are kind of hard                           to forget. In winter they turn              white like dandelions, da Vinci’s perfect     human body cartwheeling                          down the page with just one breath,              which is why Dali had to invent     the Aphrodisiac Jacket, black                           smoking jacket studded with shot glasses              filled with crème de menthe

so that passersby could                          take a drink: it’s the kind of coat              the damned might wear     at the bottom of Hell,                          where it’s always              winter and the eye sockets of upturned      faces become small cups                          in which their tears              freeze. Leonardo finally believed     that because the eye does not                          truly know the edge              of any body, terror and desire are likely     to be seen in the black chalk                          of sfumato—like the sway of a sauce              when it’s finished     with butter, or you in your scarves’                          dark varnish. It’s what kept              the damned from heaven:     of all the sins, the hardest                          to give up was the memory               of sin.


Fig. 1 Leonardo da Vinci, The Vitruvian Man, c. 1492, pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash over metalpoint on paper, 13 9/16 x 9 5/9 cm, inv. no 228, Accademia, Venice. (Scala / Art Resource, NY).
Fig. 1 Leonardo da Vinci, The Vitruvian Man, c. 1492, pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash over metalpoint on paper, 13 9/16 x 9 5/9 cm, inv. no 228, Accademia, Venice. (Scala / Art Resource, NY).