
Individual Projects

NEH Summer Scholars will bring to the Institute a strong interest in Renaissance studies, in the relations between art and science, or in some aspects of Leonardo's work, be it a specific branch of knowledge he investigated (i.e. anatomy, botany, optics, cosmology, art theory), a selection of his paintings and drawings, or some of his writings. Although earlier training in the analysis and interpretation of Leonardo's works is not required, NEH Summer Scholars will pursue an individual research project based on their interests and training and closely related to the topics discussed in the Institute.

These individual projects will offer a unique opportunity to NEH Summer Scholars to master the skills taught during the Institute, but also to explore possible long-term collaboration with other NEH Summer Scholars, with the director, and the visiting faculty. Afternoons will be set aside specifically for the research and development of the individual projects.

The Institute director will be available to work with each of the NEH Summer Scholars, assist them in their research, facilitating access to resources, collections, and institutions as needed, and create opportunities of exchange with the broader community of international scholars.


During the Institute, NEH Summer Scholars will have the opportunity to present the individual projects that they pursued in Florence and to discuss venues of possible future cooperation. The format of these presentations will be defined collegially at the beginning of the Institute.