Anthologies of Leonardo’s writings in English

Anthologies of Leonardo’s writings
in English

The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci, edited by Jean Paul & Irma Richter, 2 vols. London, 1883 (reprinted by Dover, 1970)
2nd ed.: London, 1939 (reprinted by Phaidon, 1970).

The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, edited by Edward McCurdy, 2 vols. New York, 1939.

Charles D. O'Malley & John Bertrand de Cusance Morant Saunders. Leonardo da Vinci on the human body: the anatomical, physiological, and embryological drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. New York, 1952 (reprint: New York, 1983).

Scritti scelti di Leonardo da Vinci, edited by Anna Maria Brizio.  Turin, 1952
        2nd ed., Turin, 1966.

Leonardo da Vinci. Scritti letterari, edited by Augusto Marinoni.  Milan, 1952.
        2nd ed: Milan, 1974. 

The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci, compiled and edited from the original manuscripts by Jean Paul Richter: commentary, edited by Carlo Pedretti, 2 vols. Berkeley, 1977. 

Leonardo on painting, edited by Martin Kemp and Margaret Walker. New Haven/London, 1989.