Windsor Folios

Windsor Folios
(Windsor Castle, Royal Library)

655 folios, nos. 12275-12727, 19000-19152

Critical editions and translations

I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci della Reale Biblioteca di Windsor Castle. Dell’Anatomia, Fogli A, edited by Giovanni Piumati & Theodore Sabachnikoff. Paris, 1898

I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci della Reale Biblioteca di Windsor Castle. Dell’Anatomia, Fogli B, edited by Giovanni Piumati & Theodore Sabachnikoff. Turin, 1901. 

Leonardo da Vinci. Quaderni d’anatomia, edited by Ove C. L.  Vangensten, A. Fonahn, & H. Hopstock, with translations in German and English, 6 vols. Christiania, 1911-16.

A catalogue of the drawings by Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle, edited by Kenneth Clark. London, 1935 (2nd ed: The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor, edited by Kenneth Clark & Carlo Pedretti, 3 vols. London, 1968-69).
        Italian translation. Florence, 1980.

Leonardo da Vinci: corpus of anatomical studies in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle, edited by Kenneth Keele  & Carlo Pedretti, 3 vols. Florence, 1980. 

Martin Clayton & Ron Philo, Leonardo da Vinci: The mechanics of man, (The Anatomical Manuscript A with English translation), Los Angeles, 2010.

Leonardo da Vinci. Drawings of horses and other animals from the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, ed. by Carlo Pedretti with introduction by Jane Roberts, 2 vols. Florence, 1984.

Leonardo da Vinci: fragments at Windsor Castle from the Codex Atlanticus, ed. by Carlo Pedretti. London, 1957.

Leonardo da Vinci. Nature studies from the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, ed by Carlo Pedretti with introduction Kenneth Clark. Florence, 1982.