Dear Colleague,

It is a pleasure to announce the NEH Summer Institute Leonardo da Vinci: Between Art and Science, which will be held in Florence, Italy, in the summer of 2012--the exact dates are 25 June through 13 July 2012.

The Institute is designed for the study of the relations between art and science in the early modern period, when disciplinary boundaries were not as clearly distinct as they are today. Combining the history of art, science, literature, and technology, the NEH Summer Institute will focus on the works of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), this versatile, canonical artist of western art who moved with equal ease among artistic, literary, intellectual, and scientific circles.

A group of stellar faculty from different disciplines will introduce us to the main topics of the Institute and our host institution in Florence will provide an ideal setting for intellectual exchange: the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (KHI) - Max-Planck-Institut is conveniently located in the center of Florence and uniquely placed at the center of the intellectual life of the city.

I hope that you will find the materials on this website interesting and helpful, and I will be delighted to see your interest in the Institute translate into an application to participate (the application deadline is 1 March 2012).

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have further questions.

With best wishes,

Francesca Fiorani
Associate Professor of Art History, University of Virginia