Current Members



Jim Galloway
The UVA Board of Visitors voted to set a goal for a 25% reduction to UVA’s N footprint by 2025, relative to 2010.  To help meet this goal, Jim Galloway started the N Working Group in 2014 in conjunction with the Office for Sustainability.  Over the past decade, 50 student-interns have worked diligently and creatively within the NWG!
Libby Dukes 
I am the co-chair of the Nitrogen Working Group in my role as sustainable data analyst with UVA's Office for Sustainability. My current role involves collaborating with students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders to determine impactful yet feasible strategies to reduce the University’s environmental impact and meet sustainability goals. My research interests revolve around integrating environmental footprints and reaching local communities.


Caroline Speidel (Social Outreach, Morven Team Member)
I'm a fourth year from McLean, Virginia pursuing a major in Environmental Science and a minor in History.  My main academic interests concern sustainability, climate change, ecology, and animal conservation. I first got involved in the Nitrogen Working Group in 2021 and since then I've found it a wonderful way to pursue sustainability interests on grounds, as well as make a positive impact on the UVA community. 



Emily Huber (Footprint Tracking Team Lead)
I’m a fourth year from Arlington, Virginia majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Systems Engineering. I am interested in the intersection of technology and sustainability. Since joining the Nitrogen Working Group in 2021, I have enjoyed combining my interests in data analytics and sustainability through my work with the Footprint Tracking Team.
Contact: erh6zeb@virginia.ed


Becky Wisnewski (Footprint Tracking Team Lead)
I'm a fourth-year from Bristow, Virginia, and I'm majoring in Biology and Environmental Science. I've been a member of the Nitrogen Working Group since 2022, and my focus involves processing food data and calculating UVA's nitrogen footprint. I'm passionate about sustainability, wildlife conservation, and ecology, and I enjoy collaborating with like-minded students, staff, and faculty through the NWG to help the University progress towards its emissions goals and improve its impact on the environment.


Phoebe Hall (IEFT Team Lead)
I'm a third year from Bethesda, Maryland majoring in Environmental Chemistry with a minor in French! I am interested in understanding the chemistry of the environment and how human activity may alter it. Since becoming involved as a first year, the Nitrogen Working Group has been a great way to analyze the environmental effect of UVA as a whole through commuting, food, energy, water, and more.



Owen Shaffer (Morven Team Lead)
I'm a fourth year from Charlottesville majoring in Environmental Science BS with a minor in Data Science. My main academic interest is agricultural sustainability and how we can reengineer our food system to be more sustainable and equitable. Nutrient cycling is key to this concept, and I have been working with the Nitrogen Working Group to study nitrogen cycling at UVA's Morven Farm since the summer of 2023. I love being a part of this group as it allows me to pursue my passion and contribute to the university's sustainability goals. 



Maddie Morphis (Social Outreach Team Lead, Morven Team Member)
I am a fourth year from Elkin, North Carolina double majoring in Urban and Environmental Planning and Environmental Science with a minor in Global Sustainability. My main academic interest is how design and the built environment can be used to advance sustainability efforts and aid in the climate crisis. I joined the NWG in 2023 and have enjoyed making meaningful contributions to the University’s sustainability goals.


Sophia Hanway (Footprint Tracking Team Member)
I am a 4th year from McLean, Virginia with a double major in Environmental Science and Global Studies: Environments and Sustainability. My academic interests are broad including sustainable agriculture, coastal change and urban planning. I’ve loved seeing how nitrogen interacts with and intersects with each of these interests through my work in the group. I joined the NWG in Fall 2023 and I’ve enjoyed the concrete steps I’ve taken towards understanding and improving the University’s sustainability goals.   
Contact: zer7ba@virginia.ed
Kyle Hagerstrom (Footprint Tracking Team)
I'm a third-year from Arlington, Virginia majoring Global Studies Environment & Sustainability major with a minor in Data Science. As a “global citizen,” shaped by my multicultural heritage and experiences living abroad, I’m passionate about working towards a more sustainable and GLOBAL future. I’m excited to leverage my data analysis skills to contribute meaningfully to this amazing team and the University’s broader sustainability goals!
Molly Kaufman (Morven Team Member, Social Outreach Team Member)
I’m a third year from Arlington, Virginia majoring in Civil Engineering on the Environmental and Water Resources track. I am interested in sustainable energy and fuel systems, and the intersection of political organizing and environmental issues. I joined the Nitrogen Working Group in 2024, and I am excited to continue working towards improving the University’s environmental impact this year.
Marco's headshot
Marco Ramirez (Morven Team Member)
I’m a second-year student from Raleigh, North Carolina, majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in General Business through McIntire. My interests include sustainability in energy, solar cell technology, and environmental chemistry. I joined the Nitrogen Working Group in 2024 and am proud to contribute to the University’s sustainability goals.
Rachel's headshot
Rachel Chapuis (Morven Team Member)
I’m a second year from Arlington, Virginia majoring in Systems Engineering and minoring in Global Sustainability and Data Science. Since joining the Nitrogen Working Group in 2024, I have enjoyed combining my interests in systems thinking, data analytics, and sustainability through my work with the Footprint Tracking project, and am looking forward to learning more about food systems and sustainable agriculture alongside the Morven team.