Mona Kasra, Assistant Professor of Digital Media Design, Department of Drama, is a new media artist and interdisciplinary scholar. Her research focus involves exploring the...
Alice King is a PhD student in the Department of History. She researches indigenous and colonial community interactions in the build-up to the Pequot War in 1630s New England...
Katie Lantz, a doctoral candidate in the Department of History, is writing a dissertation on the Anishinaabe and other Great Lakes Indians in their encounters with Euro-Americans in...
Noel Lobley, Assistant Professor, Department of Music, is an ethnomusicologist, sound curator and artist who works across the disciplines of music, anthropology, composition and...
Christian McMillen, Associate Dean for the Social Sciences and Professor of History. His main areas of research and teaching are American Indian history and the history of epidemic...
Emily joined the PhD program in Critical and Comparative Studies (CCS) in Fall 2017. Her research interests include music and sound in the Arab world, music & politics, music &...
Emma Mendel, Lecturer, School of Architecture, is a practicing landscape architect and lecturer at the University of Virginia School of Architecture, researching and writing on...
George Mentore is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology. He researches indigenous Amazonian ethnographies and the products of anthropological thought. He...
Eleanore Neumann is a doctoral candidate in the McIntire Department of Art where she is writing the dissertation The Global Landscapes of Maria Graham (1785-1842). She studies the intersection of...
Brian P. Owensby is professor in the Corcoran Department of History and, for that last five years, Director of the Center for Global Inquiry + Innovation at the University of...