Allen, J., Chango, J., Szwedo, D., & Schad, M. (2014). Long-term Sequelae of Sub-clinical Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 26(1), 171-180.
The long-term social sequelae of adolescent depressive symptoms were examined in a multimethod, multi-reporter study of a diverse community sample of 179 adolescents followed from age 14 to 24. Even mild to moderate levels of early adolescent depressive symptoms strongly predicted loneliness, lower maternal relationship quality, and problematic interactions with romantic partners in adulthood, even after accounting for prior levels of social functioning and concurrent levels of adult depressive symptoms. Predictions were partially mediated via late adolescent avoidance of social interactions and poor maternal relationship quality. Results are interpreted as suggesting the potential impact of depressive symptoms on core tasks of adolescent social development, with potential implications for the need for treatment of even mild symptoms and their social concomitants.
Last updated on 10/29/2020