Amanda Hellwig

Amanda Hellwig

Amanda Hellwig

Graduate Student
Clinical Psychology

Amanda is a fifth-year graduate student in Clinical Psychology. Prior to joining the Adolescence Research Group, she earned her B.S. in Human Biology, Health and Society from Cornell University in 2016 and M.A. in Psychology from the University at Buffalo in 2019. Amanda is interested in the ways adolescent social development influences the transition to adulthood and outcomes across the life span, including psychopathology and relationships with peers and partners in adulthood. She's also interested in the intersections between mental and physical health, as well as how epigenetic factors may be involved in development and social relationships throughout the life span. As a lifelong singer, Amanda enjoys singing with the University Singers and Chamber Signers here at UVA. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and "making latch hook rugs [she has] no use for!"

See also: Graduate Students