International Conference on Modern Analysis and Applications
Odessa, Ukraine
April 9-14, 2007
Building where all lectures were held. Currently it is the Odessa Regional Institute
of the National Academy of Public Administration
Monument opposite the Institute. The gold star commemorates the heroic defense
of the city in the Second World War.
Me with Yuri Lyubich and Vladimir Matsaev
Aad Dijksma, Olof Staffans, and Jarmo Malinen
Franciszek Szafraniec and X1, with Harald Woracek in the background on the right.
L. Z. Grossman and Damir Z. Arov
Me with Damir Z. Arov
Unknowns X2, X3, Takashi Ichinose, and Tsuyoshi Ando (seated on the right)
Alberto Grünbaum and Jeff Geronimo

Stephen Clark, Fritz Gesteszy, Gerald Teschl
Pavel Kurasov and Annemarie Luger
Vadym Adamyan
Heinz Langer speaking, Peter Lancaster and wife seated on his left
Takashi Ichinose, Tsuyoshi Ando, Jaroslav Zemánek, Harry Dym, daughter of
Me with Israel Gohberg
Yurij A. Chapovsky and Yurij Berezansky
Leonid Golinskii and Eduard Tsekanovskii

Louis Nirenberg (standing), Yurij Berezansky, and Fedor Rofe-Beketov
Vitali Milman
James Ralston

Sergey Belyi and Stephen Clark
Natalia A. Rozhenko and Damir Z. Arov
This group provided excellent entertainment at the conference dinner.
Dancing after dinner
Evening near the city center, looking away from Pushkin's statue.
The steps leading to the harbor were designed as the main entrance to the city.
Since Eisenstein's film, they are also known as the "Potemkin steps." The sides
appear parallel because the width of the steps increases from top to bottom.
Romantically inclined tourist couples attach padlocks to the fence on this bridge
and then throw away the key to signify that their love will last forever! This is not
a local custom, and our guide thought this was a practice of Thai visitors.
The Odessa opera house rivals the best in the world, including Vienna and Paris.
Orthodox church
After the conference ended, I went for a walk along the Black Sea in the Arcadia
district. Nothing seemed right for a photo, until I came upon this bridal party
posing on the beach.