Twisted vertex representations and spin characters, (with N. Jing). Math. Z. 239; 2002.
Hilbert schemes and W algebras, (withW.-P. Li and Z. Qin). Internat. Math. Res. Notices 27; 2002.
Algebraic structures behind Hilbert schemes and wreath products. Contemp. Math. 297; 2002.
Hilbert schemes and symmetric products: a dictionary, (with Zhenbo Qin). Contemp. Math. 310; 2002.
Lagrangian construction of the (gl_n, gl_m)-duality. Commun. in Contemp. Math. 3; 2001.
Resolution of singularities of null cones. Canad. Math. Bull. 44; 2001.
Howe duality for Lie superalgbras, (with S.-J. Cheng). Compositio Math. 128; 2001.
Orbifold Hodge numbers of the wreath product orbifolds, (with J. Zhou). J. Geom. Phys. 38; 2001.