
More fieldwork! Jongmin, Audrey, and Andrew went to Indiana to continue our NSF-funded work to study the impact of drought on forest structure and function. Here is a picture of Audrey measuring photosynthesis in a growth chamber.

Our lab also welcomes a new member Henry Yeung who received his B.S. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

July 2022:

Our NSF-funded team has visited our site at the NEON BONA site this July. We have conducted TLS and SIF measurements, maintained our FluoSpec 3 instruments, and did a lot of leaf sampling. In addition, we took July 4th off to visit Denali National Park for a three-and-half hours long hike!

Meanwhile, this June-July is one of the worst fire seasons of the past two decades (and more). We can see/smell smoke in the field!


June 2022:

Summer time is the busy fieldwork time! Jongmin & Audrey will visit Indiana; Xi, Carmen, and Wayne will be in Alaska, Rong, Hannah, & Kelsey in Virginia.

Hannah has won the Virginia Sea Grant Fellowship which will provide a three-year support for Hannah to study the coastal wetland in Virginia and the environmental justice issues related to the changing landscape. Congratulations Hannah!

May 2022:

Our lab's News section is back! We had an end-of-semester lab gathering -- lab members hiked to Hawksbill Summit in Shenandoah. We had great fun playing Exploding Kittens!

Rong Li has been awarded a NASA FINESST fellowship! Congrats, Rong!

Xi, Jongmin, and Andrew visited our collaborators in Indiana (Kim Novick, Rich Phillips, and Jeff Dukes), and we will continue our summer TLS and drone samplings in the coming months.


July 2020:

Graduate student Andrew Jablonski has been awarded the NASA FINESST award, which will support him to use remote sensing to understand tree mortality. Graduate student Hannah Mast has been awarded the Virginia Space Grant Consortium Fellowship. Congratulations to both of them!


November 2019:

Math4Science and high school students from the Urban Academy visited us. Xi and Andrew demonstrated the use of drones and the magical SIF box! 








October 2019:ddd

AGU EOS also wrote about our work led by Atticus. Here is the link:

All lab members visited the VCR LTER flux tower site at the Fowling point. We also spent some time playing a card game Koong brought with him.










September 2019:LiDAR_mortality

Our work led by Atticus has been covered by Science! See the link here:

The full paper can be found at

Xi attended the 2019 NASA Terrestrial Ecology Meeting in Washington D.C.

Emily Ury from Duke University is visiting our lab in the next two weeks! We are working on using remote sensing to detect coastal vegetation changes.

August 2019:GroupSelfie2019

We had a group party featuring drone selfies and Photosynthesis board game!

People in the picture: Hannah Mast (Graduate Student), Ben Masters (Undergraduate Student), Xi Yang, Andrew Jablonski (Graduate Student), Rong Li (Graduate Student), Koong Yi (Postdoc). Not in the picture: Jake Smith (Undergraduate Student).

Welcome to UVA -- Hannah and Rong!





October 2018:

Atticus attended the ForestSAT 2018 meeting at DC and presented our work on forest mortality and SIF-TLS work. A lot of interests in our work! (Photo Credit: Jeff Atkins)


Fall foliage has come to Virginia — some oaks have turn yellow already!


Jake Smith has installed 25 sap flow sensors at our Pace site! Great job, Jake!