Garrod R, Widicus Weaver S. Simulations of Hot-Core Chemistry. Chemical Reviews. 2013;113(12):8939–8960.
Morata O, Girart JM, Estalella R, Garrod R. Probing the physical and chemical structure of the CS core in LDN 673: multitransitional and continuum observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2012;425(3):1980–1991.
Aikawa Y, Wakelam V, Hersant F, Garrod R, Herbst E. From prestellar to protostellar cores. II. Time dependence and deuterium fractionation. The Astrophysical Journal. 2012;760(1):40.
Laas J, Garrod R, Herbst E, Weaver SW. Contributions from grain surface and gas phase chemistry to the formation of methyl formate and its structural isomers. The Astrophysical Journal. 2011;728(1):71.
Cuppen H, Garrod R. Modelling of surface chemistry on an inhomogeneous interstellar grain. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2011;529:A151.
Garrod R, Pauly T. On the formation of CO2 and other interstellar ices. The Astrophysical Journal. 2011;735(1):15.
Belloche, Garrod R, Müller H, Menten K, Comito, Schilke. Increased complexity in interstellar chemistry: detection and chemical modeling of ethyl formate and n-propyl cyanide in sagittarius B2 (N). Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009;499(1):215–232.
Zapata L, Ho PT, Schilke P, Rodr{\’ıguez L, Menten K, Palau A, Garrod R. A ring/disk/outflow system associated with W51 North: a very massive star in the making. The Astrophysical Journal. 2009;698(2):1422.
Garrod R, Vasyunin A, Semenov D, Wiebe D, Henning T. A new modified-rate approach for Gas-Grain chemistry: comparison with a unified large-scale Monte Carlo simulation. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 2009;700(1):L43.
Öberg K, Garrod R, Van Dishoeck E, Linnartz H. Formation rates of complex organics in UV irradiated CH3OH-rich ices-I. Experiments. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009;504(3):891–913.