LeBoeuf L, Goldstein-Greenwood J, Lillard AS. Multilevel Modeling Resolves Ambiguities in Analyses of Discipline Disproportionality: A Demonstration Comparing Title 1 Montessori and Non-Montessori Schools. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. 2023.
Doebel S, Lillard AS. How does play foster development? A new executive function perspective. Developmental Review. 2023;67:101064. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2022.101064
Around the world, children play. Does play support development? If so, how? One popular idea is that play fosters the development of higher-order cognitive abilities, such as executive functions. A contrasting view is that play fosters the development of cultural knowledge and skills rather than general capacities. We describe a third proposal: that play helps children acquire culture-specific executive function skills. We articulate three ideas of how this might work, synthesizing diverse literatures. We also discuss other activities children voluntarily engage in that overlap with play and may similarly help them acquire culture-specific executive function skills. We end by considering implications of these ideas and questions for future research. We suggest that play and related activities are most likely to support the development of culture-specific executive function skills if they are informed by cultural knowledge, values and practices.
Skyview AM, Beeler-Dudena S, Goldsteina AM, Gancaycob CA, Lillard A, Connelly JJ, Morris J. Neuroepigenetic impact on mentalizing in childhood. Journal of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2022.
Lillard AS, Tong X, Snyder A. Standardized test performance in public Montessori schools. Journal of School Choice. 2022.
Golino H, Lillard A, Becker I, Christensen A. Investigating the Structure of the Children’s Concentration and Empathy Scale Using Exploratory Graph Analysis. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development. 2021.
Lillard AS, Meyer MJ, Vasc D, Fukuda E. An association between Montessori education in childhood and adult wellbeing.. 2021.
Lillard A, Taggart J, Yonas D, Seale M. An alternative to “no excuses”: Considering Montessori as culturally responsive pedagogy. Journal of Negro Education. 2021.
Basargekar A, Lillard AS. Math Achievement Outcomes Associated with Montessori Education. Early Child Development and Care. 2021.
Ayer D, Lillard AS. 2021.
Sidera F, Lillard AS, Amado A, Caparros B, Rostan C, Serrat E. 2021.