Timothy Salthouse Former Lab Director Timothy A. Salthouse is Brown-Forman Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia. He previously was... salthouse@virginia.edu Read More Timothy Salthouse
Jane Bae Jane Bae is an upcoming third year from Fairfax, VA. She is double majoring in Cognitive Science and Economics and during the school year, she... Read More Jane Bae
Jun Bae Project Coordinator Jun Bae is a fourth year undergraduate from Richmond, VA in the College of Arts and Sciences. He double majors in Psychology and... Read More Jun Bae
Joya Bhattacharyya Joya Bhattacharyya is currently a second year majoring in global public health as well as cognitive science with a concentration in... Read More Joya Bhattacharyya
Benjamin Comire Benjamin Comire is a fourth-year undergraduate, majoring in Philosophy and minoring in Religious Studies. Following graduation, he plans on... Read More Benjamin Comire
Richard Craig Gallagher Jr Richard Craig Gallagher Jr. is a rising third year from Virginia Beach, VA. He is majoring in Psychology and Cognitive Science with a... Read More Richard Craig Gallagher Jr
Amber Curran Amber Curran is a fourth year from Ashburn, Virginia majoring in Biology and Psychology. She enjoys volunteering with Madison House, College... Read More Amber Curran
Christine DeFluri Christine DeFluri is a third year from northern Virginia double majoring in Cognitive Science and Psychology. She hopes to pursue... Read More Christine DeFluri
Camille Digamo Camille Digamo is a second year undergraduate pursuing a double major in in Cognitive Science and Psychology. She holds interest in the field... Read More Camille Digamo
Kara Fallin Kara Fallin is a rising third year from Fairfax, Virginia. She is a Cognitive Science major, hoping to concentrate in neuroscience and... Read More Kara Fallin
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