Graded Specht modules, (with J. Brundan and A. Kleshchev). J. reine angew. Math. 655; 2011.
Spin invariant theory for the symmetric group, (with Jinkui Wan). J. Pure Applied Algebra 215; 2011.
Representations of Lie superalgebras in prime characteristic II: The queer series, (with Lei Zhao). J. Pure Applied Algebra 215; 2011.
Twisted Dickson-Mui invariants and the Steinberg module multiplicity, (with Jinkui Wan). Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 151; 2011.
The GL_n(q)-module structure of the symmetric algebra around the Steinberg module, (with Jinkui Wan). Adv. in Math. 227; 2011.
Geometric representation theory and extended affine Lie algebras. (Edited with E. Neher, A. Savage). Fields Institute Communications 59; 2011.
Kostant homology formulas for oscillator modules of Lie superalgebras, (with S.-J. Cheng and J.-H. Kwon). Adv. Math. 224 (2010); 2010.
The centers of spin symmetric group algebras and Catalan numbers, (with Jill Tysse). J. Algebr. Combin. 29; 2009.
The centers of Iwahori-Hecke algebras are filtered, (with Andrew Francis). Contemp. Math. 478; 2009.