Past Events
The Math Circle is a program for elementary and middle school students, taking place on UVa grounds.
The Fall 2024 program is for students...
This is an informal seminar on various topics in geometric and quantum topology in low dimensions. Participants are graduate students, postdocs and faculty interested in the subject. Please contact...
New developments in 3- and 4-manifold topology, June 5-7, 2023
This is an informal seminar on various constructions of stable homotopy refinements of Khovanov homology of links and Floer theories of 3-manifolds. Participants are graduate students, postdocs and...
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, invites applications for two Whyburn Research Associate and Lecturer postdoctoral positions, starting in Fall '23...
This is an informal seminar on various aspects of quantum topology and their interactions, including invariants of links and 3-manifolds and Jones' recent work on representations of the Thompson group...
The Math Circle is a program for elementary and middle school students, taking place on UVa grounds. The Fall 2022 program is for students in grades 4-6, nominated by Charlottesville area schools.