Copper(II) complexes of hindered diazines: methylquinoxalines

Landee, C. P.; Turnbull, M. M.; Dickie, D. A.; Twamley, B.; Wikaira, J. L. Copper(II) complexes of hindered diazines: methylquinoxalines. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2025, 78, 44-63.


Five new copper(II) complexes of substituted quinoxaline ligands have been prepared and characterized via single crystal X-ray diffraction, including [Cu(5-Mequinox)2(NO3)2] (2), [Cu(5-Mequinox)(NO3)(H2O)(μ-1,3-NO3)]n (3), the chloride salt (5-MequinoxH)2[Cu3Cl8] (4), the complex [Cu(6-Mequinox)2(NO3)2] (5) and [(2-carboxylato-3-methylquinox)(2-hydroxymethyl-3-methylquinox)nitratocopper(II)]. CH3CN (6) [quinox = quinoxaline; 5-Mequinox = 5-methylquinoxaline; 6-Mequinox = 6-methylquinoxaline]. None of the complexes produced diazine bridged chain structures (as seen in [(quinox)Cu(NO3)2]n (1)), although 3 forms chains via a bridging nitrate ion. Crystal packing is controlled primarily through hydrogen bonding and π-stacking of nitrate ions. The temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility data of the parent compound [(quinox)Cu(NO3)2]n are also reported and discussed.

Last updated on 02/20/2025