We welcome single crystal samples from both internal and external users. Fees apply to most external samples. Samples are run on a first-come, first-served basis. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for samples with unusual requirements. The sample queue is managed by Dr. Dickie, who should be contacted before sending samples. We provide full structure solution and refinement services, as well as data collection only for users who are able to do their own solutions. Local users may bring their samples directly to the lab (Jesser 108). External users should ship their samples to the address shown in the contact section. If you are shipping samples, please ensure that they are properly packaged.
All samples must be accompanied by a sample submission form describing the crystal. The label on the form MUST match the label on the sample container. Please write legibly and include as much detail as possible about your crystal. Solvents often end up trapped in the crystal lattice, so knowing what solvents were used is very helpful during structure refinement. Likewise, information about the synthesis is crucial when the crystal turns out not to be the expected product. Crystal color gives us a clue about whether or not the sample may have decomposed prior to analysis. Samples forms can either be emailed to Dr. Dickie or printed and submitted with the crystals.
People who are doing their own structure solution and refinement will be able to access their data through the UVA COLLAB site. The uploaded files will include the processed data in hkl format and all other files necessary for the refinement and CIF preparation. For people who request full solution and refinement, files will be sent via email to the people listed on the sample submission form. These files are a publication-ready CIF, checkCIF report and tables of crystallographic data with data collection and refinement details. Pictures of the structure can be prepared upon request. Students and postdocs should add their PI's contact info along with their own.