Two copper(II) complexes of 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine (tmpz) are reported, [Cu(tmpz)Cl2]n (1), and [Cu(tmpz)Br2]n (2). The compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group C2/m as pyrazine-bridged linear chains (parallel to the b-axis). The pyrazine rings are oriented nearly perpendicular to the CuN2X2 coordination planes. Adjacent chains parallel to the a-axis are offset by ½ unit cell translation parallel to the b-axis rendering the closest interchain X…X contact distance to be 4.83(2) Å (1) or 4.59(1) Å (2). Parallel to the c-axis, the chains are further separated by the methyl groups. Magnetic interactions for 2 are well fit by the uniform Heisenberg chain model with a Curie-Weiss correction for interchain interactions giving: J/kB = −19.2(1) K, Curie constant (CC) = 0.451(1) emu-K/mol-Oe and θ = −0.18(1) K.