Caroline was a technician in the lab and she then went to graduate school at the University of California, Riverside to work with Norm Ellstrand. She is an ecologist with EPA.
Rich was a postdoc in the lab and he did some innovative analysis on the long-term Plantago dataset including reverse-age analysis, the frequency and timing of reproduction, and the impact of...
MA. in Biological Conservation. Sarah used the Plantago dataset to address questions about the timing of reproduction across age and years. She is currently the Assistant Coach for softball at Iona...
Andrew was an undergraduate who did a lot of Plantago field work. He went on to get his PhD in Marine Science at William & Mary and is currently an Assistant Professor at the Universoty of Delaware...
Eric’s thesis work focused on plastic growth responses to herbivory. He is currently an Instructor of Biology and Laboratory Coordinator at Bridgewater College.