Camilla Fojas’s research explores transnational Asian, Pacific, and Latin/o American cultural and media studies in a comparative imperial context. Her books include Cosmopolitanism in the Americas...
Not About Race, Per Se: The Indie Asian American Indie Rock Film
Assistant Professor Ishii teaches classes on 20th- and 21st-century U.S. multiethnic literature, transnational Asian/American literature, and queer of color critique. His scholarship has been...
To Adapt or Not to Adapt: Negotiating Commodification and Racialization from Comic Books to Live Action
Kathryn M. Frank completed her Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Michigan and her B.A. in Chicana and Chicano Studies at Stanford University. Dr. Frank specializes in media industries...
Rootedness on the Slippery Earth: The Religious Aesthetics of Migration and Democracy
Nichole Flores is an assistant professor of religious studies at the University of Virginia. She speaks, writes and teaches about the significance of Catholic and Latinx theology and ethics in...
Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University
Presenter on Resistance & Restoration Panel
“I’m not fuxxing with white people”: LeBron James, The Shop, and Black Counter Publics
My research interests include critical media studies, critical rhetoric, whiteness, race & gender, and intersectionality. I am especially interested in pursing intersectional feminist scholarship in...