Assistant Professor, Whitman College
Presenter on Comic Culture Panel
To Adapt or Not to Adapt: Negotiating Commodification and Racialization from Comic Books to Live Action
Kathryn M. Frank completed her Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Michigan and her B.A. in Chicana and Chicano Studies at Stanford University. Dr. Frank specializes in media industries, popular culture, Latina/o and Asian American media, and critical race/ethnic studies. Her current research examines media industry practices and processes in comic book to live-action adaptation, and how these decisions impact representations of race in film, television, and comics.
Her work on Latina/o comics and digital pop culture has appeared in The Routledge Companion to Latina/o Pop Culture (Routledge, 2016) and Graphic Borders: Latino Comic Books Past, Present, and Future (University of Texas Press, 2016). She also has an essay on nostalgia and the Watchmen comic universe forthcoming in Cinema Journal’s In Focus series.