Ono K. On the circular summation of the eleventh powers of Ramanujan’s theta function. Journal of Number Theory. 1999;76(1):62–65.
James K, Ono K. Selmer groups of quadratic twists of elliptic curves. Mathematische Annalen. 1999;314(1):1–17.
Kohnen W, Ono K. Indivisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields and orders of Tate-Shafarevich groups of elliptic curves with complex multiplication. Inventiones mathematicae. 1999;135(2):387–398.
Haglund J, Ono K, Wagner D. Theorems and conjectures involving rook polynomials with only real zeros. In: Topics in number theory. Springer; 1999. pp. 207–221.
Ono, James, Kohnen W, Vatsal, Skinner. Nonvanishing of values of modular L-functions and some applications. Proceedings of Topics in Number Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999:115–126.
James K, Ono K. A note on the irreducibility of Hecke polynomials. Journal of Number Theory. 1998;73(2):527–532.
Ono K, Soundararajan. Integers Represented by Ternary Quadratic Forms. In: Number theory: Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, August 17-22, 1996, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Vols. 19. Amer Mathematical Society; 1998. p. 281.
Ono K, Skinner C. Non-vanishing of quadratic twists of modular L-functions. Inventiones mathematicae. 1998;134(3):651–660.
Ono K, Skinner C. Corrigendum to "Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms modulo $\ell$". Annals of Mathematics. 1998;148(1):361–361.
Haglund J, Ono K, Sze L. Rook Theory and t-Cores. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 1998;84(1):9–37.