FNAL Summer 2024: Tests at Wideband with Josh, Karl, Natalie, Yuri, Yonyi, and Tyler
We won SESAPS 2023:
Anna Hall got her Ph.D. in May 2023. Congratulations to Anna!
Summer students 1st day - 2023
Graduation 2023:
Congratulations Darren!
Congratulations Sydney!
Congratulations Lincoln!
We were able to get a photo of some of the group in front of the UVA Physics building in Fall 2022/
The Director of the DOE Office or Science visited out lab today. We were honored and proud to show Director Berhe our work on the NOvA, Mu2e, and LDMX experiments.
Me participating at the April 2022 APS meeting in NYC:
I did Gamma Ray Spectroscopy with Prof. Mark Riley at FSU in 1999 with this machine. I'm back at FSU in 2022 to give the colloquium.
Andrew Sutton received his PhD in 2022 for his work on the NOvA neutrino experiment:
William Musk - BS Physics 2022 - William worked in our lab off and on for 3 years. He is off to Graduate School for physics at U. Pitt:
Sydney Roberts after her first conference presentation - Outstanding!
Building a CRV module:
Module with the "UVA army":
Prof. Group in his native dress:
Cristiana Principato received her PhD in 2021 for her work on the NOvA neutrino experiment:. She searched from Dark Matter using upward-going muons.
The Dukes/Group fabrication team - summer 2019
The Dukes/Group fabrication team - summer 2018
The Dukes/Group summer student lunch - summer 2017
The Group/Dukes group at Fermilab - Summer 2015
The Group/Dukes group at UVA - Summer 2015
Hannah, Tanner, and Gage getting ready for battle - summer 2015
Hao Liu getting the Ph.D. 2014