Hao Lu (Ph.D. 2014) - Measurement of the s-channel Single Top Quark Cross Section at the CDF Experiment and Contributions to the Evidence of H->bb at the Tevatron
Serdar Kurbanov (Masters 2016)- Data Driven Trigger Design and Analysis for the NOvA Experiment
Cristiana Principato (Ph.D. 2021) - An Indirect Search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles in the Sun Using Upward-going Muons in NOvA
Steve Boi (Ph.D. 2021 - secondary advisor) - Design and Fabrication of a Novel Large-area, High-efficiency Cosmic Ray Veto Detector for the Mu2e Experiment
Andrew Sutton (Ph.D. 2022) - Domain Generalization with Machine Learning in the NOvA Experiment
Anna Hall (Ph.D. 2023) - Data-Driven Validation of NOvA's Convolutional Neural Network for Electron (Anti)Neutrino Selection