Hoos Focused FAQs

What is the difference between the Hoos Focused Group Meeting and Hoos Focused Study Hall?

Hoos Focused Group Meeting is a weekly drop-in group hosted by Dr. Elaine Bailey and Christy Rotman where undergraduate and graduate students share challenges and exchange strategies to further their goals. 

Hoos Focused Study Hall is a new offering hosted by an SDAC employee to provide structure, accountability, and shared focus. Bring your own tasks and plan to work for the time. 

When and where are meetings for Hoos Focused held?

For Spring 2024: Hoos Focused Group Meetings are held each Friday at 2pm in Clemons 204, 1/19-4/26.

Do I need to be an undergraduate student at UVA to attend Hoos Focused?

No, both Hoos Focused opportunities are open to undergraduate and graduate students at UVA.

Do I have to pay for Hoos Focused? 

No, there is no cost associated with either Hoos Focused opportunity.

Do I need to register for Hoos Focused?

No, registration is not required to attend either the Group Meetings or the Study Hall. Both are open, no-commitment. Feel free to attend whenever is convenient for you. We encourage students to attend as frequently as they can and to bring a friend with them!

Can you provide me with academic accommodations for my classes?

No, we cannot provide you with academic accommodations. If you would like to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the Student Disability Access Center