We Are the Times

Mid-week stuff

September 29, 2021

Still just trying to surf the wave of the semester's chaos; when I think I see a calm spot up ahead, so far I've invariably been mistaken.  Anyway, some cool stuff I've found:


Academic publishing...

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End of week links!

September 24, 2021

It's been an unusually exhausting week.  Semester weeks are always busy, but this one seems a bit more than usual.  I participated in a conference late Thursday and all day Friday, and normally that's...

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Just some links

September 19, 2021

Just a few links, to keep you off the street today, keep you out of trouble.


Joseph Brodsky’s family’s Leningrad residence—you cannot really say “apartment,” it was only a part of an apartment, as...

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If you want some more

September 05, 2021

A bit more overcast where I am today, but happily only in outer, not inner, weather.  (Shoutout to Robert Frost, there.)  A pretty restful day, though I could have been more deliberate about it.


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