We Are the Times

Quiet Sunday, links

November 07, 2021

I had a pretty busy "outdoors" day yesterday--by which I mean out of my house--and so I'm staying close to home today.  I will miss church, which I returned to for the first time last week, but I...

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Church Going

October 31, 2021

I went back to my church this AM for the first time since January 2020.  (We spent the next six months in the UK, and by the time we came back, all had been shut for the time being.)  It was great....

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Saturday links

October 30, 2021

I've had a busy couple of weeks.  I'll post some of the things here on coming days, but basically I've given four public presentations and produced several large reports.  I'm pooped.

For now...

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Some more links

October 27, 2021

This is an interesting piece but a weird piece about young people and religion.  It seems to be all about what they say about themselves, but in fact what we need to know is what they do, whether they...

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October 25, 2021

Went to Texas this weekend--a great visit.  (Here's looking at you, SMU and Baylor.)  Left me feeling reinvigorated, as if there will be a future again, in which we nerds get together and talk as...

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Been busy!

October 19, 2021
Sorry I've been out of touch!  A lot of writing obligations.  But I'm back, but just like before, no better I'm afraid.  Story of my life.
Oh this seems right to me, about Menand’s The Free World...
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