Visual motion is a crucial cue for the brain to track objects and take appropriate actions, enabling effective interactions with the environment. Here, we study how the superior colliculus (SC) integrates motion information using asymmetric plaids composed of drifting gratings of different directions and speeds. With both in vivo electrophysiology and two-photon calcium imaging, we find that mouse SC neurons integrate motion direction by performing vector summation of the component gratings. The computation is constrained probabilistically by the possible physical motions consistent with each grating. Excitatory and inhibitory SC neurons respond similarly to the plaid stimuli. Finally, the probabilistically constrained vector summation also guides optokinetic eye movements. Such a computation is fundamentally different from that in the visual cortex, where motion integration follows the intersection of the constraints. Our studies thus demonstrate a novel neural computation in motion processing and raise intriguing questions regarding its neuronal implementation and functional significance.