Hilbert schemes of points on the minimal resolution and soliton equations, (with Z. Qin). Contemp. Math. 442; 2007.
The correlation functions of vertex operators and Macdonald polynomials, (with S.-J. Cheng). J. Algebraic Combin. 25; 2007.
A Fock space approach to representation theory of osp(2|2n), (with S.-J. Cheng and R.B. Zhang). Transform. Groups 12; 2007.
Spin Hecke algebras of finite and affine types. Adv. in Math. 212; 2007.
The Bloch-Okounkov correlation functions of classical type, (with Dave Taylor). Commun. Math. Phys. 276; 2007.
Integral operators and integral cohomology classes of Hilbert schemes, (with Z. Qin). Math. Ann. 331; 2005.
Infinite-dimensional aspects of representation theory and applications. (Edited with S. Berman, B. Parshall, L. Scott).. Contemporary Mathematics 392, AMS; 2005.
The Farahat-Higman ring of wreath products and Hilbert schemes. Adv. in Math. 187; 2004.