Wan J, Wang W. Stability of the centers of group algebras of GL_n(q). Adv. in Math. 349; 2019.
Papers Published
Cheng S-J, Wang W. Character formulae in category O for exceptional Lie superalgebras D(2|1;a). Transform. Groups 24; 2019.
Chung C, Sale T, Wang W. Quantum Supergroups VI: roots of 1. Lett. Math. Phys. 109; 2019.
Liu J, Luo L, Wang W. Odd singular vector formula for general linear Lie superalgebras. Bulletin of Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (N.S.) 14; 2019.
Johnson I, Wang W. Spin nilHecke algebras of classical type. J. Algebra 487; 2018.
Wang W. Some conjectures on modular representations of affine sl_2 and Virasoro algebra. Science China Math. 61; 2018.
Li Y, Wang W. Positivity vs negativity of canonical bases. Proceedings for Lusztig’s 70th birthday conference, Bulletin of Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (N.S.) 13; 2018.
Berman C, Wang W. Formulae for ı-divided powers in U_q(sl_2). J. Pure Appl. Algebra 222; 2018.
Bao H, Wang W, Watanabe H. Multiparameter quantum Schur duality of type B. Proc. AMS 146; 2018.
Bao H, Kujawa J, Li Y, Wang W. Geometric Schur duality of classical type [Appendix with H. Bao, Y. Li]. Transform. Groups 23; 2018.