Gloria Lee is a rising second year majoring in Cognitive Science, concentration in neuroscience, and upon graduation she hopes to attend medical school. She is currently involved in Global Medical...
Zack Landsman is a third year in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences studying Biomedical Engineering with a minor in technological entrepreneurship. He hopes to work on technological...
Katie Hosey is a rising fourth year from Wilmington, Delaware. She is double majoring in cognitive science and psychology with a minor in history. At UVA, she is involved in the Young Women Leader’s...
Kiera Holt is a recent UVA graduate with a degree in Psychology. She plans on taking a gap year before continuing her studies in graduate school. During her time at UVA, she volunteered for over 150...
Claire Haynes is a rising third year from Northern Virginia majoring in Biology and minoring in French. She plans on applying to medical school after graduation. She also participates in clinical...
Emily Han is a third year undergraduate studying biochemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences and is planning to attend medical school after college. During the school year, she volunteers at the...
Natalie Goggins is a rising second year from Fairfax, Virginia majoring in biology with the goal of attending medical school after graduation. She enjoys volunteering with Madison House Medical...
Mike Ferguson is a third-year computer science major in the Engineering School, double majoring in cognitive science, with a concentration in philosophy along with a minor in English. He has a...
Kara Fallin is a rising third year from Fairfax, Virginia. She is a Cognitive Science major, hoping to concentrate in neuroscience and linguistics. Outside of the lab, she volunteers for the Martha...
Camille Digamo is a second year undergraduate pursuing a double major in in Cognitive Science and Psychology. She holds interest in the field of educational psychology. During the school year...