Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
Presenter on Asian/American Panel
Embodied Exchanges: B Circuits of Cinema Across South/West Asia, 1950s-1970s
After completing my PhD at Rice University (2014), I joined the American University of Beirut as an Assistant Professor of Visual Culture. My location in Lebanon for two years (2014 - 2016) complemented my earlier fieldwork at the National Film Archive of India, enabling me to further probe postwar circulation histories of Hindi film/songs across the Middle East. I have been working on a manuscript titled Sirens of Modernity: World Cinema Via Bombay, which historicizes the emergence of “world cinema” as a category in the politics of the Cold War, and the manner in which Hindi film/songs negotiated this category. My interests span world film history; South / West Asian cinemas; intersections of audio-visual media and literature; and sound studies. I also have a curatorial background in the collaborative administration of film series and festivals. I teach survey courses and specialized seminars in Middle East - South Asia film histories, in addition to Middle East - South Asia-focused thematic courses on topics such as cinephilia, adaptation, and genre; methods courses in areas such as film programming, sound studies, and film festival studies; among so many other possibilities that lie ahead!