Professor, University of Virginia
Presenter on Charlottesville, Media, and Anti-Racist Activism Roundtable
Aniko Bodroghkozy is a media historian with a focus on television, the 1960s, and movements for social change. She is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia and has been on its faculty since 2001. Author of two books, Equal Time: Television and the Civil Rights Movement (University of Illinois Press, 2012) and Groove Tube: Sixties Television and the Youth Rebellion (Duke University Press, 2001), she has recently completed editing a major anthology, A Companion to the History of American Broadcasting (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018). Currently, she is pursuing a book project, tentatively titled Black Weekend: Television News, the Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Birth to Our Media World and an article exploring similarities in media treatment of Charlottesville’s 2017 “Summer of Hate” and the civil rights movement’s 1965 Selma campaign.