Teachman B, Clerkin E. A case formulation approach to resolve treatment complications. In: Avoiding treatment failures in the anxiety disorders. Springer; 2010. pp. 7–30.
Teachman B, Marker C, Clerkin E. Catastrophic misinterpretations as a predictor of symptom change during treatment for panic disorder.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 2010;78(6):964.
Teachman B, Cody M, Clerkin E. Clinical applications of implicit social cognition theories and methods.. 2010.
Steinman S, Teachman B. Modifying interpretations among individuals high in anxiety sensitivity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2010;24(1):71–78.
Cody M, Teachman B. Post-event processing and memory bias for performance feedback in social anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2010;24(5):468–479.
Clerkin E, Teachman B. Training implicit social anxiety associations: An experimental intervention. Journal of anxiety disorders. 2010;24(3):300–308.
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Wilhelm S, Steketee G, Fama J, Buhlmann U, Teachman B, Golan E. Modular cognitive therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A wait-list controlled trial. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 2009;23(4):294.
Teachman B, Smith-Janik S. Relationship between disgust and memory biases in spider fear. International journal of cognitive therapy. 2009;2(1):16–36.
Teachman B, Saporito J. I am going to gag: Disgust cognitions in spider and blood–injury–injection fears. Cognition and Emotion. 2009;23(2):399–414.
Teachman B, Gordon T. Age differences in anxious responding: Older and calmer, unless the trigger is physical.. Psychology and Aging. 2009;24(3):703.