Olatunji B, Woods C, Jong P, Teachman B, Sawchuk C, David B. Development and initial validation of an abbreviated Spider Phobia Questionnaire using item response theory. Behavior Therapy. 2009;40(2):114–130.
Joormann J, Teachman B, Gotlib I. Sadder and less accurate? False memory for negative material in depression.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2009;118(2):412.
Clerkin E, Teachman B. Automatic and strategic measures as predictors of mirror gazing among individuals with body dysmorphic disorder symptoms. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 2009;197(8):589.
Clerkin E, Cody M, Stefanucci J, Proffitt D, Teachman B. Imagery and fear influence height perception. Journal of anxiety disorders. 2009;23(3):381–386.
Buhlmann U, Teachman B, Naumann E, Fehlinger T, Rief W. The meaning of beauty: Implicit and explicit self-esteem and attractiveness beliefs in body dysmorphic disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2009;23(5):694–702.
Smith-Janik SB, Teachman BA. Impact of priming on explicit memory in spider fear. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2008;32(2):291–302.
Teachman B, Stefanucci J, Clerkin E, Cody M, Proffitt D. A new mode of fear expression: Perceptual bias in height fear.. Emotion. 2008;8(2):296.
Teachman B, Marker C, Smith-Janik S. Automatic associations and panic disorder: Trajectories of change over the course of treatment.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 2008;76(6):988.
Teachman B, Addison L. Training non-threatening interpretations in spider fear. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2008;32(3):448–459.
Peris T, Teachman B, Nosek B. Implicit and explicit stigma of mental illness: Links to clinical care. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 2008;196(10):752–760.