Emeh C, Mikami AY, Teachman B. Explicit and implicit positive illusory bias in children with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders. 2018;22(10):994–1001.
Green J, Magee J, Steiner AR, Teachman B. When the “Golden Years” turn blue: Using the healthy aging literature to elucidate anxious and depressive disorders in older adulthood. International journal of behavioral development. 2017;41(2):295–307.
Namaky N, Beltzer M, Werntz A, Lambert A, Isaacowitz D, Teachman B. Moderators of age effects on attention bias toward threat and its association with anxiety. Journal of affective disorders. 2017;216:46–57.
Werntz A, Steinman S, Glenn J, Nock M, Teachman B. Characterizing implicit mental health associations across clinical domains. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. 2016;52:17–28.
Rowell S, Green J, Teachman B, Salthouse T. Age does not matter: Memory complaints are related to negative affect throughout adulthood. Aging & mental health. 2016;20(12):1255–1263.
Lindgren K, Ramirez J, Namaky N, Olin C, Teachman B. Evaluating the relationship between explicit and implicit drinking identity centrality and hazardous drinking. Addictive behaviors reports. 2016;4:87–96.
Lindgren K, Neighbors C, Teachman B, Baldwin S, Norris J, Kaysen D, Gasser M, Wiers R. Implicit alcohol associations, especially drinking identity, predict drinking over time.. Health psychology. 2016;35(8):908.
Lindgren K, Gasser M, Werntz A, Namaky N, Baldwin S, Teachman B. Moderators of implicit and explicit drinking identity in a large US adult sample. Addictive behaviors. 2016;60:177–183.
Kulesza M, Matsuda M, Ramirez J, Werntz A, Teachman B, Lindgren K. Towards greater understanding of addiction stigma: Intersectionality with race/ethnicity and gender. Drug and alcohol dependence. 2016;169:85–91.
Gorlin E, Lambert A, Teachman B. When does it hurt to try? Effort as a mediator of the links between anxiety symptoms and the frequency and duration of unwanted thought recurrence. Personality and Individual Differences. 2016;98:137–144.