Jessica Beadel

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

My primary interests involve understanding how information processing biases contribute to the onset and maintenance of anxiety, with the ultimate goal of developing and strengthening interventions...

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Elise Clerkin

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

I am interested in the role that cognition, emotion, mindfulness, and acceptance play in the maintenance and treatment of anxiety and OC spectrum problems. Please see my website for more...

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Meghan Cody

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

My research interests are in cognitive-behavioral processes in anxiety, trauma, and adjustment to stress.  Currently I am at Mercer University, where I lead the Transdiagnostic Interventions &...

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Christina Emeh

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

My research interests involve examining the way children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) perceive their social and behavioral abilities. Currently, I am working on a project...

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Jeff Glenn

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

My research interests revolve around the question of why it is that otherwise rational individuals sometimes behave in ways that lead to serious clinical outcomes.  Specifically, I am interested in...

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Tynessa Gordon

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

Cross-cultural research highlights the influence of ethnicity and culture in emotional processes. Specifically, previous studies suggest important differences in the experience of anxiety across...

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Eugenia Gorlin

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

I am interested in the way that controlled, strategic cognitive processes interact with relatively uncontrolled, automatic processes in maintaining anxiety and mood disorders, as well as in the...

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Jennifer Green

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

I am interested in the cognitive and emotional correlates of healthy and disordered aging. Specifically, I study how the different ways we think about ourselves — our cognitive functioning...

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Joshua Magee

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

My research applies modern health technologies to assess, understand, and treat the unwanted thoughts, images, and urges that are central to many mental and behavioral health problems.  I am...

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Erin Maresh

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Student

Self-focused thought allows us to reflect on our past, predict our future, and create a sense of having a stable, cohesive identity. At the same time, experiencing excessive self-focused thought...

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