Balakrishnan J, Craig W, Ono K. Variations of Lehmer’s Conjecture for Ramanujan’s tau-function. J. Number Theory (JNT Prime and Special Issue on Modular forms and Function Fields): (arXiv: 237 (2022), 3-14. 2022.
Ono, Griffin, Rolen, Thorner, Tripp, Wagner. Jensen polynomials for the Riemann Xi function. Advances in Mathematics (, Volume 397, 5 March 2022, 108186. 2022.
Griffin M, Ono K, Tsai W-L. Tamagawa products of elliptic curves over Q. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) [Sir Michael Atiyah Memorial Issue] 72, Issue 4 (2021), 1517–1543. 2021.
Ono K. The Eichler integral of E2 and q-brackets of t-hook functions. Proceedings of Analysis Fest, Conference in Honor of Lance Littlejohn, Birkhauser, 371-382. 2021.
Ono K, Tsai W-L, Griffin M. Heights of points on elliptic curves over Q. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,, 149 (2021), 5093-5100. 2021.
Ono K, Griffin M, Tsai W-L. Quadratic twists of elliptic curves and class numbers. Journal of Number Theory (arXiv: 227, 1-29. 2021.
Ono K, Raji W. Class numbers and self-conjugate 7-cores. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A (, 180 (2021), 105427. 2021.
Ono, Dawsey, Wagner. Fields generated by characters of finite linear groups. Archiv der Mathematik (arxiv 1912.07102), 116, 487-500. 2021.
Mertens M, Ono K, Rolen L. Mock modular Eisenstein series with Nebentypus. International Journal of Number Theory (Volume in Honor of Bruce Berndt) arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07410, (17), 2021, 683-697 . 2021.