Bruinier JH, Jenkins P, Ono K. Hilbert class polynomials and traces of singular moduli. Mathematische Annalen. 2006;334(2):373–393.
Andrews G, Ono K. Ramanujan’s congruences and Dyson’s crank. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2005;102(43):15277–15277.
Bringmann K, Ono K, Rouse J. Traces of singular moduli on Hilbert modular surfaces. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2005;2005(47):2891–2912.
Bringmann K, Ono K. Identities for traces of singular moduli. Acta Arithmetica. 2005;119(4):317–327.
Elkies N, Ono K, Yang T. Reduction of CM elliptic curves and modular function congruences. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2005;2005(44):2695–2707.
Choie Y, Kohnen W, Ono K. Linear relations between modular form coefficients and non-ordinary primes. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 2005;37(3):335–341.
Ono K, Taguchi Y. 2-adic properties of certain modular forms and their applications to arithmetic functions. International Journal of Number Theory. 2005;1(01):75–101.
Ahlgren S, Ono K. Arithmetic of singular moduli and class polynomials. Compositio Mathematica. 2005;141(2):293–312.
Frechette S, Ono K, Papanikolas M. Combinatorics of traces of Hecke operators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2004;101(49):17016–17020.
Ono K. Partitions and McKay numbers for Sn. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 2004;108(2):185–197.