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Ono K. Unearthing the visions of a master: harmonic Maass forms and number theory. Harvard-MIT Current Developments in Mathematics. 2009;2008:347–454.
Ono K. A mock theta function for the Delta-function. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Integers Conference, de Gruyter, Berlin. 2009. pp. 141–156.
Ono K. Algebraicity of harmonic Maass forms. The Ramanujan Journal. 2009;20(3):297.
Bringmann K, Folsom A, Ono K. q-series and weight 3/2 Maass forms. Compositio Mathematica. 2009;145(3):541–552.
Ono K. Mock theta functions, ranks, and Maass forms. Surveys in Number Theory. 2008;172:119–142.
Ono K. Lehmer’s Conjecture on Ramanujan’s Tau-function. Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. 2008;74:149.
Bruinier J, Ono K, Rhoades R. Differential operators for harmonic weak Maass forms and the vanishing of Hecke eigenvalues. Mathematische Annalen. 2008;342(3):673–693.
Folsom A, Ono K. The spt-function of Andrews. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2008;105(51):20152–20156.
Bringmann K, Ono K, Rhoades R. Eulerian series as modular forms. Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 2008;21(4):1085–1104.