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Garcia-Cely, C. & Heeck, J. Indirect searches of dark matter via polynomial spectral features. JCAP 1608, 023 (2016).
Heeck, J. & Patra, S. Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Dark Matter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 121804 (2015).
Frère, J.-M. & Heeck, J. Scalar glueballs: Constraints from the decays into $η$ or $η’$. Phys. Rev. D92, 114035 (2015).
Frère, J.-M., Heeck, J. & Mollet, S. Triangle Inequalities for Majorana-Neutrino Magnetic Moments. Phys. Rev. D92, 053002 (2015).
Crivellin, A., D’Ambrosio, G. & Heeck, J. Addressing the LHC flavor anomalies with horizontal gauge symmetries. Phys. Rev. D91, 075006 (2015).
Crivellin, A., D’Ambrosio, G. & Heeck, J. Explaining $h\toμ^\pm\tau^\mp$, $B\to K^* μ^+μ^-$ and $B\to K μ^+μ^-/B\to K e^+e^-$ in a two-Higgs-doublet model with gauged $L_μ-L_\tau$. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 151801 (2015).
Heeck, J., Holthausen, M., Rodejohann, W. & Shimizu, Y. Higgs $\toμ\tau$ in Abelian and non-Abelian flavor symmetry models. Nucl. Phys. B896, 281–310 (2015).
Heeck, J. Unbroken $B-L$ symmetry. Phys. Lett. B739, 256–262 (2014).