- J.S. Rolf, “Cavalier Online Experiences”, Poster session for Teaching With Technology Summit at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Oct 2019.
- J. S. Rolf, “Online Experiences for Yale Scholars (ONEXYS),” Invited presentation at Smith College, Northhampton, MA, Oct 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “ONEXYS: An Online Bridge Program to Prepare Incoming Students for Quantitative Reasoning at Yale,” Invited presentation at Brown University, Providence, RI, April 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “Characteristics of Successful Calculus Programs,” Invited presentation at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, March, 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “Leveraging Peers To Enhance Learning,” Invited presentation at UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, Feb 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “Modeling the Flow of Water Between Tanks,” Invited presentation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Feb 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “Using Pre-Class Work to Improve Student Learning for Both New and Experienced Instructors,” Invited presentation at Boston University, Boston, MA, March 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “ONEXYS: An Online Bridge Program to Prepare Incoming Students for Quantitative Reasoning,” Invited presentation at the Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering, Hanover, NH, Feb 2018
- J. S. Rolf, “ONEXYS: An Online Experience to Prepare Incoming Students for Quantitative Reasoning at Yale,” Keynote Speaker at the NECQL XXI, Northampton, MA, 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, B. Smith, and S. Vigliotta, “Flipping an Integral Calculus Course with Multiple Instructors,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, 2018.
- J. S. Rolf and J. Hall, “Using Undergraduate Coach/Mentors in an Online Bridge Program for QR and STEM Preparation,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, 2018.
- B. Smith and J. S. Rolf, “Improving Preparation for Calculus with Gaming,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, 2018.
- J. S. Rolf, “ONEXYS: An Online Bridge Program to Boost Mathematical Preparedness for Incoming Students,” invited presentation at the Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meetings, Waterloo, December 2017
- B. Smith and J. S. Rolf, “Cartes,” invited presentation at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2017.
- J. S. Rolf, “ONEXYS: Design, Implementation and Assessment,” Special Guest Speaker at the Liberal Arts Consortium for Online Learning (LACOL) Hackathon, Northfield, MN, 2017.
- J. S. Rolf and J. Hall, “Impact of an Online Bridge Program on Preparedness for Quantitative Reasoning,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA, 2017.
- B. Smith and J. S. Rolf, “Teaching Pre-Calculus Through Gaming,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA, 2017.
- J. S. Rolf and J. Hall, “Long Term Learning Gains from an Online Bridge Program,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA, 2017.
- E. O'Neill, J. S. Rolf, and J. Frederick, “Collaborate to Innovate,” poster presented at the Educause Learning Initiative Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, Feb 2016.
- J. S. Rolf, “The Nature of Mathematical Insight,” guest lecturer for Craig Wright's Exploring the Nature of Genius. Yale University, Feb 2015, 2016.
- J. S. Rolf, “Perspectives of Teaching,” panelist at the Spring Teaching@Yale Day, Yale University, 2016.
- J. S. Rolf, “Math 115: Design and Assessment of Learning,” presented at the Science Teaching Day: Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Yale University, Jan 2016.
- J. S. Rolf, J. Hall, J. Kim, E. O'Neill, S. Epperson, and J. Frederick, “Hybridized Learning in an Online Bridge Program,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, Jan 2016.
- J. Hall, J. S. Rolf, J. Kim, E. O'Neill, S. Epperson, and J. Frederick, “Beyond Grades,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, Jan 2016.
- J. S. Rolf, “Flipping Calculus at Yale and Scaling with Multiple Faculty,” presented at Science Teaching and Learning Lunch Series, Yale University, Dec 2015.
- J. S. Rolf, “Flipping Calculus at Yale,” Invited presentation at the Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Oct 2015.
- J. S. Rolf, “ONEXYS: Online Experiences for Yale Scholars,” Keynote Speaker at the New England Conference for Quantitative Literacy, New Haven, CT, May 2015.
- S. Kimport and J. S. Rolf, “Flipping the Integral Calculus Classroom with Multiple Sections and Instructors,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, January 2015.
- J. S. Rolf and S. Kimport, “Examining the Impact on Students of a Flipped Classroom with Multiple Instructors,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, January 2015.
- J. S. Rolf, “Flipping the Mathematics Classroom,” Keynote Speaker for the Center for Scientific Teaching Symposium, New Haven, July 2014.
- J. S. Rolf and Y.-W. Hsu, “Using the ICE Framework to Flip Integral Calculus,” Invited Presentation for the Center for Scientific Teaching, Yale University, New Haven, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, “Online Experiences For Yale Scholars,” presented at the Admissions Office, Yale University, New Haven, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, “The Past, Present and (Possible) Future of Teaching Mathematics at Yale University,” presented at the Development Office, Yale University, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, “The Past, Present and (Possible) Future of Teaching Mathematics at Yale University,” presented at the Parent's Leadership Council, Yale University, New Haven, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, “Using Online Tools To Enhance (Local) Mathematics Instruction,” presented at the Yale Online Education Open Forum, New Haven, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, Y.-W. Hsu, M. Croasmun, and J. Frederick, “Implementing the ICE Framework in a Hybrid Mathematics Classroom,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, M. Havlickova, S. Kimport, and J. Frederick, “Using Online Video, Quizzes and Peer Instruction To Teach Integral Calculus,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, 2014.
- J. S. Rolf, “Using Online Tools To Enhance Mathematics Instruction,” presented at the Yale Online Education Open Forum, 2013.
- J. S. Rolf, “Peer Instruction via Learning Catalytics Compared to Active Learning Techniques,” presented at the Yale Teaching Center Spring Teaching Forum. Online Teaching, Student Learning, New Haven, CT, 2013.
- F. Wattenberg, R. Sturdivant, J. S. Rolf, B. Bauldry, J. Yanik, B. Yanik, A. H. Erickson, and K. Erickson, “DIY Modeling: Do It Yourself Modeling and Simulation for STEM Learning,” Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Diego, CA, Jan-2013.
- J. S. Rolf, B. Warner, and L. Scharff, “Peer Instruction via Learning Catalytics Compared to Active Learning,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Deigo, CA, 2013.
- J. S. Rolf and D. Benton, “The Impact of WeBWorK and Interleaving on Student Learning and Attitudes,” presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, 2013.
- J. S. Rolf, “Learning Catalytics: An Introduction,” presented at the Lux Talks, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2012.
- E. J. Werner, J. S. Rolf, and L. Scharff, “Preflight Benefit Awareness: Does it Increase Engagement, Value, & Learning?” United States Air Force Academy Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum. USAF, CO, Sep-2012.
- J. S. Rolf, G. Porter, G. C. White, and K. Benjamin, “Does Interleaving Increase Long-Term Learning and Retention in Math 243?” United States Air Force Academy Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum. USAF, CO, Sep-2012.
- K. Treat and J. S. Rolf, “Are Oral Panels Effective in Engineering Math?” United States Air Force Academy Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum. USAF, CO, Sep-2012.
- R. Boedigheimer, J. S. Rolf, and E. Knight, “Improving Student Learning in Math 245,” United States Air Force Academy Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum. USAF, CO, Sep-2012.
- K. Treat and J. S. Rolf, “Are Oral Panels an Effective Assessment Tool in an Engineering Mathematics Course?” presented at the MAA MathFest, Madison, WI, 2012.
- Helping Students Prepare Between Classes.Presentation to the Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Sates Air Force Academy, April 2012.
- Implementing Practices to Enhance Student Consciousness of Their Learning. Co-presenter at The SoTL Commons Conference, Statesboro, GA, March 2012
- DIYModeling (Do It Yourself Modeling). Co-presenter at MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2012.
- Thinking about Thinking. Co-presenter at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2012.
- Motivations for and the Realities of SoTL Research. Panelist at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum, United States Air Force Academy, Fall 2011.
- Does Awareness of JiTT Benefits Increase Engagement, Perceived Value of JiTT, and Learning in Math 340 Presenter at poster session of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum, United States Air Force Academy, Fall 2011.
- Assessing Student Satisfaction with WebWork and Impact on Learning Behaviors Co-resenter at poster session of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum, United States Air Force Academy, Fall 2011.
- Using Online Video Pre-flights to Enhance Preparation, Technical Skills and Conceptual Understanding in the Mathematics Classroom. Presenter at poster session of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum, United States Air Force Academy, Fall 2011.
- Modeling the Flow of Water Between Two Tanks. Co-presenter at the International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Denver CO, March 2011.
- The Use of Videos to Encourage Pre-Class Preparation. Co-presenter with Frank Echeverria at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
- CalcTool 3: An applet to visualize 3D objects Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
- Factors Impacting Completion of Pre-class Assignments in Physics, Math, and Behavioral Sciences. Co-presenter at International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, UK, October 2010.
- Undergraduate research projects in Complex Analysis with accompanying applets. Co-presenter at MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA, January 2010.
- Applets to explore research topics in Complex Analysis. Co-presenter at Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA, January 2010.
- DIY Modeling Co-presenter at MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA, January 2010.
- Undergraduate research projects in Complex Analysis with accompanying applets Co-presenter at MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, D.C., January 2009.
- Modeling the Buoyancy Properties of a Virginia Class Submarine. Co-presenter at MathFest, Madison, WI, August 2nd, 2008.
- Using WebAssign to Assess Fundamental Skills. Invited panelist at “Measuring Learning in Mathematics: What is possible now and in the future?” San Antonio, TX, March 9th, 2008
- ComplexTool: An Applet and Discovery Activities to Visualize Complex Functions. Co-presenter at Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January 2008.
- Learning-Focused Exam Construction, Co-presenter at Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA., January 2007.
- Modeling the War of Nieboerian Aggression, Mathematical Association of America MathFest, Knoxville, TN, August, 2006.
- A Discovery-Based Interpolation Assignment, Co-presenter at Mathematical Association of America MathFest, Knoxville, TN, August, 2006.
- Tablet PCs in the USAFA Mathematics Classroom, Co-presenter at Faculty Forum Speaker Series, United States Air Force Academy, April 14th, 2006.
- Using Fundamental Skills Exams in Core Technical Courses Co-presenter at International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Orlando, FL, March 18th, 2006.
- Using CalcTool to Teach Calculus, International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Orlando, FL, March 18th, 2006.
- Using Fundamental Skills Exams in Core Mathematics Courses. Invited co-presenter for Center of Educational Excellence, United States Air Force Academy, March 9th, 2006.
- What We’ve Learned About Writing, Invited panelist for the Center for Educational Excellence, United States Air Force Academy, October 26th, 2005.
- Fundamental Skills Exams: Why your students should be able to integrate sin(x), Invited co-presenter to the Department of Physics, United States Air Force Academy, September 2005.
- Using CalcTool 1, Invited presentation to the Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Air Force Academy, August, 2005.
- The Tablet PC in the Mathematics Classroom at the United States Air Force Academy, Co-presenter at the Mathematical Association of America MathFest, Albuquerque, NM, August, 2005.
- Using CalcTool to Teach Calculus, Mathematical Association of America MathFest, Albuquerque, NM, August, 2005.
- Using Tablet PCs in Mathematics Educationat the United States Air Force Academy. Co-presenter for The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the United States Military Academy. West Point, NY, April 2005.
- Using CalcTool to teach Calculus 1 and 2.; Rocky Mountain Sectional of the MAA, Greeley, CO. April 2005.
- How laptop computers are forcing changes technical core education. Co-presenter at Academic Chairperson Conference in Orlando, Fl. February 2004.
- The Impact of Laptop Computers on Classroom Instruction. Invited panelist for MAA panel discussion. Phoenix, Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 2004
- Train Like You Fight, Reloaded: War stories from the mathematical front. Co-presenter at the 2002 Colorado Regional Higher Education Assessment Conference, Greely, CO. November 2003.
- Laptops and Calculus: Do They Mix? Co-presenter at the National meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Boulder, CO, July 2003.
- Applied Projects in Calculus. Rocky Mountain Sectional Meeting of the Mathematics Association of America, April 2003, USAFA, CO.
- Writing Mathematics Applets in Java. Design and conduct workshop for Rocky Mountain Sectional Meeting of the Mathematics Association of America. April 2003, USAFA, CO.
- The Challenges of integrating technology into Curricula. Co-presenter at the Academic Chair persons Conference,Orlando, Florida, February, 2003.
- Laptops in the Classroom. Invited presenter and panelist for MAA panel discussion. Baltimore, Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 2003.
- Train Like You Fight: The use of laptop computers in assessing mathematical understanding. Co-presenter at the 2002 Colorado Regional Higher Education Assessment Conference, Westminster, CO. October 2002.
- Calculus, Modeling, and Technology, Co-presenter at the United States Military Academy, July 2002.
- Calculus the Big Picture: The past, present and future of Calculus. Presentation at the United States Air Force Academy, July 2002.
- Mapping the Cornea: The theory and practice of mathematically describing the cornea. Presentation to the faculty/student seminar at Marist College. November 12th, 1999.
- Using Splines for Maximum Likelihood Estimators. Invited report to the Army Research Laboratory Symposium, November 5th, 1999.
- Surface and Terrain Modeling Using Remote Sensing Techniques. Report to the National Reconnaissance Office, Summer 1998.
- Reconstruction of the Anterior Corneal Surface, Faculty Seminar, United States Military Academy, Spring 1998.
- The Geometry of Reconstructing the Corneal Surface, Graduate Student Seminar, Duke University, Fall 1994.
- Newton Waveform Relaxation, Scientific Computing Seminar, Duke University, Summer 1994.