Williams, Lee, T. Wilson, P. Bourdon, and J. S Rolf Impact of Self Reflection on Persistence and Performance in Online Mathematics courses. (in preparation).
Rolf, James S., P Reeves. The Impact of Flipping an Integral Calculus Course on Students in Downstream Mathematics Courses. (in preparation)
Rolf, James S., P Reeves. Preparing students for Quantitative Reasoning with an Online Bridge Program. (in preparation)
M. L. Ghrist and J. S. Rolf, “Teaching function approximation via structured discovery and the ApproxTool applet,” The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1–16, Oct. 2013.
M. A. Brilleslyper, M. J. Dorff, J. M. McDougall, J. S. Rolf, L. E. Schaubroeck, R. L. Stankewitz, and K. Stephenson, Explorations in complex analysis. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2012, pp. xviii–373.
Echeverria Frank and James S. Rolf. Using Online Video Pre-flights to Enhance Preparation, Technical Skills, and Conceptual Understanding in the Mathematics Classroom. Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Summer 2012.
Rolf, James S., D Benton, M. Lattanzi and J. Rufa. Assessing Student Satisfaction with WebWork and Impact on Learning Behaviors. Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Summer 2012.
Treat, Kevin and James S. Rolf. Are oral panels an effective use of two class periods in Math 346? Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Summer 2012.
Rolf, James S., E. Knight and R. Boedigheimer. Investigating Factors Impacting Student Learning in Math 245. Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Summer 2012.
Kallemyn, Ben, G. White, James S. Rolf, and G. Porter. Does Interleaving Increase Long-Term Learning and Retention in Math 142 and Math 243? Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Summer 2012.
Rolf, James S., L. Scharff, and E.J Werner. Part II: Does Awareness of JiTT Benefits Increase Engagement, Perceived Value of JiTT, and Learning in Math 340? Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Summer 2012.
Rolf, James S., L. Scharff, and T. Hodge. Does Awareness of JiTT Benefits Increase Engagement, Perceived Value of JiTT, and Learning in Math 340? Final Report to the Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. United States Air Force Academy. Sept. 2011.
Scharff, L., Rolf, J., Novotny, L. C. S., & Lee, M. R. (2011). Factors impacting completion of pre-class assignments (JiTT) in Physics, Math, and Behavioural Sciences. In C. Rust (Ed.), Improving Student Learning Global Theories and Local Practices: Institutional, Disciplinary and Cultural Variations. Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Scharff, L., Rolf, J., Novotny, S. & Lee, R. (2011). Factors impacting completion of pre-class assignments in Physics, Math, and Behavioural Sciences. ISSoTL / ISL Conference Proceedings, Liverpool, UK.
Rolf, James S. and Micheal A. Brilleslyper, Where are They Now? Invited paper for 20th anniversary publication Mathematica Militaris. Vol 20, No. 1 Spring 2010.
Rolf, James S. and Lisbeth Schaubroeck, Interactive Complex Analysis: Supplementing the Traditional Course with Computer Visualization, The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology. Volume 3, Number 2 (June 2009).
Rolf, James S., Michael A Brilleslyper, and Andrew X. Richardson. Teaching Fundamental Skills at the United States Air Force Academy. Mathematica Militaris, Vol 16, No. 1, Spring 2006.
Cooley, Timothy, Michael A. Brilleslyper, James S. Rolf, Patricia Egleston. How laptop computers are forcing changes in technical core education. Proceedings of the 2004 Academic Chairperson Conference. Spring 2004.
Rolf, James S. and Michael A Brilleslyper. Old school vs. new school: The use of technology in the calculus sequence. Mathematica Militaris, Vol 13, Issue 1. Spring 2003.
Cooley, Timothy, Michael A. Brilleslyper, James S. Rolf, Gerald Diaz. The Challenges of Integrating Technology into Curricula, Proceedings of 2003 Academic Chairpersons Conference, Spring 2003.
Rolf, James S. Ship Heave Effects During Deep Sea Drilling: Development of an Active Heave Compensation System, Mathematica Militaris, Vol 11, No. 2, Fall 2001.
Marin, John A., John Brockhaus, James S. Rolf, James Shine, Joseph Schafer. Assessing the Robustness of Image Classification Techniques on HYDICE Hyperspectral Data, Invited paper for the Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Tokyo, Japan, 1999.
Rolf, James S. Using Splines for Maximum Likelihood Estimators, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual U.S. Army Research Laboratory/United States Military Academy Technical Symposium, November 1999, pp. 183-195.
Rolf, James S. A Course End, Take Home Quiz, Computer Algebra Systems in Education, No. 35, Nov 1999, pp. 5-6.
Rolf, James S. Corneal Topography, Mathematica Militaris, “Projects That Link Mathematics with Partner Disciplines,” Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring 1999, pp. 6-9.
Rolf, James S. A Mathematical Reconstruction of the Corneal Surface, Duke University, Fall 1997, Ph.D. dissertation.