ENVH 6000- Introduction to Environmental Humanities. Enrico Cesaretti. (T 3:00-5:30: NCH 209)
Introducing the questions, methods, and arguments that organize work in the Environmental Humanities (EH), this graduate seminar is open to MA and PhD students from any discipline, including the sciences and social sciences. There are no prerequisites. ENVH 6000 serves as the required course for the Graduate Certificate in Environmental Humanities, yet is open to graduate students not pursuing the Certificate.
SPAN 7850- Trash Studies: Learning from Waste. Samuel Amago (T 3:30-6:00: NCH 058)
Readings and discussions in Trash Studies, cultural archaeology, ecocriticism, film and literature, theory and criticism. Case studies drawn from modern Spain, Spanish cultural production.
EAST 5863: East Asian Art, Landscape, and Ecology
This course introduces the concepts on nature in East Asian traditions--Daoism, Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, their impacts on the relationship between human and their natural environment, and the art forms in which the theme of nature predominates, from landscape paintings to religious and garden architecture. It also explores how these ideas can contribute to the modern discourse on environmental ethics and sustainability.